This is us taking a large Maple apart so the management can get started on repairs. This tree fell during Hurricane Helene.
The first image is a street shot of the pond area. There were 7 large Crape Myrtles that we removed and had the stumps ground out for future planting.
This is one of three giant oak trees we had to fell due to die back/rot, which is basically a process where limbs start to die and some may fall off. These trees were approximately 35" in diameter and weighed in excess of 10,000 lbs each.
These are before and after pictures of storm damage. This large Bradford Pear split in half during bad weather and had to be removed.
This is the tree in the picture above. We set up ropes on a tree in the front yard for our safety, so we could remove the branches before removal of the trunk. Hurricane Helene 2024.
Picture of a fallen Oak after Hurricane Helene 2024.