Some on-the-job training in Irmo!
Note the care taken in piecing out these two dead oak trees. Both were over the garden. No damage was done to the shrubs or the dogwood underneath.
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Yet another failed tree during Hurricane Helene. This Pine made its way from another property, gaining enough velocity to destroy the back of the home. Fortunately, the family was safe after the event.
More Hurricane Helene tree work. These Leyland Cypress uprooted and bent due to the 70 mph gusts from the hurricane. Note the channel of space behind where the trees were planted years ago. Leyland Cypress are not the best trees for high winds in small spaces, and we do more Leyland Cypress uproot removals than any other tree. The root balls on these are too small in reference to the height and wind resistance these trees, as they are typically very full and heavy with foliage.